This is a list of the granite companies listed in the local newpapers, city directories, company records and elsewhere between 1870 and the present day, showing how extensive the involvement of the community was in the granite industry.
Archie Brothers Granite
Joseph A. Barbone
Alex Bessett Granite
Charles G. Blake
Bonner Monument Company
Robert J. Bonner
Booth Brothers
Buzzi Memorials
Calder & Carnie
Calder, Robert & Co.
John Catto
Catto Granite Company
Chapman Granite Works
Stanton Clarke Quarry
Joseph Coduri Granite Company
Coduri & Marzoli
John Collins Cormorant Hill Granite
Columbia Granite Company
Comolli Granite Company
Comorant Quarry
Cottrell Quarry (William)
Alexander G. Crumb & Sons
John Currie & Son
Dalbeattie Granite Works
Dixon Granite Works
Duguid, Bisset & Webster Granite
Ewen & Company
Ewen & O’Neil
Andrew Farrell & Sons
Antonio E. Faverio
Faverio & Currie Co.
Fitzpatrick & King
Archie Fletcher Quarry
Fletcher & Palmer
Maurice W. Flynn
Fraquelli & Brusa
Henry R. Gavitt Quarry
Gourlay Granite Works
Hogg & Co.
George H. Hutchins
Hutchins-Crandall Granite Company
John W. Johnson
Kenyon & Company
Kimball & Combe Company
E. G. King & Sons
Hugh King
James Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick & Sheehan Granite
Eugene S. Larkin
Lazzari and Barton
L. McDonald Granite
Macomber Quarry
McGowan & McAvoy & Co.
McKernan & Newall
John Melville Granite
Andrew Morrison
Michael Morrone Granite
Murray & Bird
Alexander Murray & Company
National Union Granite Works
D. & I. Newall Granite
Joseph Newall & Company
New England Granite Works
New York & Stonington Granite Company
Norcross Bros.
Nathan F. Noyes
O’Neil & Company
Richard Opie
Frederick Pascoe
William P. Pellett & Son
Redstone Quarry
Reinhalter Granite Works
Rhode Island Granite Works
Rhode Island Monument Company
The Rhode Island Redstone Co.
Alexander Robertson
Shawn Monument Company
Sawyer & Thompson
Smalley Pink & Red Westerly Company
Smith Granite Company
William G. Spargo
The Star Granite Co.
Stevenson & Co..
James Stewart Granite
Stewart & McDonald Granite
Stonington Granite Company
Sullivan Granite Company
Horace Swan Granite
Sweeney Granite Works
Thackaray & Company
J.M. Thompson Granite
Thompson & Palmer
Thompson & Platt
Robert Thompson Granite
Vars Granite Quarry
Veal & Rowe
S. P. Wells Co.
Westerly Blue Quarries
Westerly Blue & Light Granite Company
Westerly Granite Works
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